Women's Group: Breath & Vocal Class


Welcome to the Women's Group: Breath & Vocal Class – where we blend classical finesse with practical power, making it applicable to any music genre. This isn't your typical vocal class; it's straightforward, no-nonsense training. Dive into opera and classical vocal techniques with precision warm-ups designed to elevate your voice. But here's the kicker – these techniques aren't confined to tradition. They're practical, versatile, and perfect for any genre you love. Join us in a community that values real-world application over fluff. Unleash the power of your voice with a mix of classical artistry, practical skill, and a universal approach. Elevate your voice, own your breath, and step into a world where vocal radiance meets every genre with precision and power.

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This is a group class for women ages 18+

Date: Thursday, February 22nd at 7:05pm

Class Time: 45 minutes

Location: at The Studio (Temple City)